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A new approach to corporate taxation is needed in the EU, to meet the goal of fairer and more efficient taxation and to effectively tackle corporate tax avoidance. This approach should be driven by the following objectives:

1.Re-establishing the link between taxation and where economic activity takes place.

2.Ensuring that Member States can correctly value corporate activity in their jurisdiction.

3.Creating a competitive and growth-friendly corporate tax environment for the EU, resulting in a more resilient corporate sector, in line with the recommendations in the European Semester.

4.Protecting the Single Market and securing a strong EU approach to external corporate tax issues, including measures to implement OECD BEPS, to deal with non-cooperative tax jurisdictions and to increase tax transparency.

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  • het full text doorzoeken van de gedelegeerde regelgeving, beleidsbesluiten en jurisprudentie;
  • het kunnen sorteren van de gedelegeerde regelgeving, beleidsbesluiten en jurisprudentie op datum, titel en instantie;
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